
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Oak Bar

Hey, everyone! You're probably wondering what Oak Bar is for this Blog
post. Oak Bar is my new venture towards Acting, growing and bringing fun T-Shirts.
not just any T-shirts. Working on the Oak Bar Brand. offering Men, Women's and Children's Clothes. To include coffee and various other products a actor, celebrity or an everyday working person would need. If you love clothes and coffee as much as I do. Visit Oak Bar

Supporting military and starving people is our goal! Make the world a better place through T-shirt and Coffee sales. One day Oak bar will need Actors to do commercials.

If you're interested in making a YouTube Video and can act in a fun exciting way. Like Oak bar on Facebook and message me for details.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Acting is my Dream! Will it Continue?

  If you have a dream or goal. Try and achieve it!

Acting is my Dream! Will it continue. I would have to say its been put on pause. But then I'd be joking. I am always acting regardless if its on film or video.

I'm always learning something new. Acting like I know how to do a job, I have no skill for. So I'm trying to understand this business that demands so much time and talent.

Yes, Acting takes a lot of Talent, Effort and time. I can't quit my day job. So I decide to find a way to make money to try and help fund my acting pursuit further.

It takes money to make money, no matter where in the world you go.
Life is like a open desert that you explore and find what you truly want in it!
Go out there and Act! YouTube and Online are my tools. whats yours?