
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Acting and Modeling Resolution

 I'm starting fresh and will be getting pictures taken of my gut. Then getting pictures taken of me using the IT works wrap to show everyone that follows me
My results. I have the link to the It Works products if you would like to find out more about them. Hollywood changes the way we want to look. I sure want to be Hollywood fit, if I'm going to keep pursuing acting and modeling.

I'm also going to list my Head shot on Ebay again for the third time, but this time
Actor Jeffrey Barkey is going to give 10% of the earnings to a charity that really
needs it. My new years resolution to be an actor and model full time is to stay positive and be persistent. Yes my star rating on IMDB went down but I'm
still some 300k out of 6 million.

 If I can raise enough money from sales on ebay
I might be able to afford to buy new head shots and sign with a new agent that can
find me a commercial job or supporting role with IMDB credit to boost my star.

Follow Me on My Official Sites

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Modeling For It Works Products Soon

So far I have not heard anything back from the acting jobs that I submitted to. I have applied to be on the Ellen show and the Oprah Winfrey show to try and tell my story and get myself out there. I'm on social media websites like crazy. I even sold two Signed Headshots on Ebay. I don't get much views on my YouTube videos anymore, but that hasn't stopped me yet. I've come to the conclusion that Jeffrey Barkey just needs to Act for fun on YouTube till someone notices his great comedic acting. Actor and Promotional Model Jeffrey Barkey just needs to stick to doing his own Modeling for a know client, That he is currently married to that just so happens to want to look fit and stay fit with a healthly lifestyle. So I said I should be your model and try IT Works for myself since it worked for you, our friend and several thousands of other people.

 I like to Act and Model. I was hoping for a Mountain Dew Commercial.
But I think Jeffrey Barkey can actually be discovered if he uses IT Works products and Promotes them. With Picture proof and video, he will do just that and make a Commercial out of it on a little to no Budget. What does It Works mean to you?
Have you Tried It Works Body Applicators? Well If your interested in It Works Wraps you can get them


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Modeling and Acting

First thing is can you eat healthy and stay fit? do your friends or family sometimes find you entertaining or funny cause of how you try to make impression?

 If you know you have what it takes to be an actor and or a model, and you have answered "Yes" to my question. You should start by going to a Modeling and Career center like John Casablancas. John Casablancas modeling and career center was a great start for me!

I had no idea I had this hidden gift that has always been a dream, that I always wanted to pursue!

The people at the John Casablancas Modeling and Career Center made me feel welcome and opened up the gates to Promotional modeling and background acting. They gave me the opportunity to be in a Talent Fall Fashion show where I had to Act out a self written commercial, walk the runway in front of Casting Directors and over 200 people. That's pretty impressive when I go back to watch it myself on DVD. 

So if your dream is to be an actor or actress. Whether your a female or male wanting to be a model

start with them first.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Finding Auditions

 Finding Auditions for Acting Jobs in your area is hard to find when you don't have the resource to find the jobs that are out there. That's why its nice to have a Talent Agent, I have a talent agent that can find me part-time work to avoid conflicting with my everyday Job as a Truck Driver. If I ever decide to find a Full time Acting Job that requires me to work weekly. I usually find a Acting job that is within my region like Atlanta, GA or New York, NY. Wilmington, NC has some filming done there, but most cases are its "Background Acting" and usually you can get work without having to Audition.

 SAG jobs are the jobs that I would look for. All Sag jobs are paid. Non union jobs can pay you whatever they want to pay you or require that you volunteer and if the film makes any money they can pay you later or not pay you at all. So if your auditioning for what ever Acting job it may be like a lead, supporting or day player. read the fine print. Never quit your day job and don't take to many days off to audition. You're everyday job is what pays the bills. Join a Acting group on Facebook or do some research on the internet or read a book about it.

 Even the most famous actors had a everyday job at one point in there life.
My everyday job is Truck Driving, do I look like a truck driver? If your answer was No. Your right because Truck Driving was never my favorite Dream job, but it pays the bills so I can attempt to pursue acting. I look more like the Actor/Model type and that's my goal to live my dream! I used to get so tired of hearing people talk about how young I look. But now I know that's just god telling me that I need to Pursue my Favorite Dream Job, cause that's what he as planned for my life! I just got to put in the Hard Work, Dream Big and Pray that all goes well and He will keep me positive and on the right path. I was from traveling through the Airport where the "Unaccompanied Minors" film was shot and required me to sign a release agreement in the event that if I was ever used in a scene as a Background Actor or Day Player I would not sue them for not getting paid. I was considered a uncredited volunteer worker. IMDB doesn't allow uncredited filmography but I have proof that I was used in that film. So check out my IMDB and follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page.

Actor Jeffrey Barkey will be known across the globe
as an inspiration to the people who dream of being actors that
refuse to give up!

"My life is not a Pipe Dream it is a Reality"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Finally a demo reel to show who Jeffrey Barkey is

  My demo reel for acting and modeling jobs. I have told everyone
about my Dream. Now I have proof that I did the work. I always hope that one day someone with true
interest in my talent will discover me. I have done background acting, promotional modeling and still
it was just not enough. I submitted to do a commercial, which again I hope that I -Jeffrey Barkey can get the Acting role. Not to many people notice background actors. Your probably thinking the same thing about commercials. Who watches commercials when you can just fast forward through them.
So I figured it out most people watch super bowl commercial or commercial that come on during nascar commercial breaks. I submitted to do just that, but its a secret for even myself.

So if you like Jeffrey Barkey and believe that he can do it. please pray for him and if you don't prefer praying. Please follow him on his official sites or share his story with someone you know who is also an aspiring Actor,Background Actor or promotional model.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ready to start acting soon

   My name is Jeffrey Barkey
I have had a dream to be an actor ever since I was seven, had wanted to be a star on the Disney channel. Growing up acting like different characters was always something fun to do and a way to express myself. Robin Williams was my favorite actor and inspired me to keep acting as an option, if I ever knew how to pursue it growing up.When you tell someone you want to be an actor as a kid they instantly assume that you are just stuck in a fantasy or pipe dream. Acting is not a Traditional Job like being a Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher and so on. So your family doesn't want their kids to pursue something that they think will be a waste of money. 

I hear it all the time on the internet about schools promising you that they will make you a great actor and they can't exactly promise that. It all depends on if that person going to the school applies what they have taught. I have went to school, learned improvisation and script analysis, created my very own written commercial about mountain dew. I posted it to You Tube. Stood in front of casting directors and top exclusive agents and only got four call backs out of 13 casting directors and agents that showed up.

So now Jeffrey Barkey is ready to show the world that he can act!

Be sure to search for Jeffrey Barkey on IMDB
follow on twitter @Jeff_barkey